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Personal Health Care Blog

Philadelphia Caregiver Tips for Communicating with those Hard of Hearing

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who is hard of hearing and only become frustrated halfway through because no matter what you try they do not hear you? Our elderly caregivers in Phildelphia take care of several elderly clients who are hard of hearing and we can find it difficult to speak to …

Companion Home Care Service in Philadelphia and Southeastern PA

As we age certain daily activities become a little more challenging and there is more time for socializing. A companion caregiver is able to provide transportation for shopping, errands, social events and provide a sense of security and someone to talk with. Companionship care is usually the first step in the care spectrum of care …

Navigating the World of Home Health Care in Philadelphia PA

Part II:  Home Health Aides: Liability & Expertise As you may recall, Personal Health Care launched Part I in the blog series, “Navigating the World of Home Health Care, in early February 2014. This blog discussed the concerns a caregiver may have when exploring the cost of a home health aide or home health agency. …

Medication Management in Home Care in Philadelphia

One of the leading causes of hospital admissions for the elderly is mismanagement of medication.  Either taking too many prescribed medications or forgetting to take any at all.  Personal Health Care provides medication set up and reminders to a number of elderly clients as part of our home care service.  We assist our clients with …

Late Stage Alzheimer’s Elderly Care in Philadelphia and Southeastern PA

Late stage or end stage Alzheimer’s can be the most challenging stage with round the clock care usually necessary as the disease progressive.  This stage can last anywhere from several weeks to several years.  This stage is where loved-one’s may look into homecare 24/7 or look into moving there loved one into a facility.  The symptoms …

Middle Stage Alzheimer’s Care in Philadelphia and Southeastern PA

The middle stage of Alzheimer’s tends to be the longest stage of Alzheimer’s and its during this time that the role and responsibilities increase on the caregiver.  The Alzheimer’s patient will experience difficulty with words, become confused, difficulty performing routine tasks, and become more agitated.  One of the biggest things for a caregiver to do during …

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