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What is the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s?
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Many people (incorrectly) believe dementia and Alzheimer’s disease describe the same condition. In fact, you may even hear these terms used interchangeably. While there are important similarities, dementia and Alzheimer’s are different. If your elderly family member or aging loved one is currently suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s, or any other similar condition, it is crucial …
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Announcing Personal Health Care’s Home Care Accreditation from The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval ®
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Person Health Care is pleased to announce we have earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval ® for Home Care Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The standards are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus to help organizations like Personal Health Care measure, assess and improve performance. The Commission’s Gold …
Philadelphia Caregivers and World Health Day 2016: Beat diabetes
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7 April 2016 – World Health Day In 2008, an estimated 347 million people in the world had diabetes and the prevalence is growing, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. In 2012, the disease was the direct cause of some 1.5 million deaths, with more than 80% of those occurring in low- and middle-income countries. …
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Thank You to Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers in Philadelphia PA
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November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and National Family Caregivers Month. In the United States alone, there are more than 15 million Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers (Alzheimer’s Association, 2016). Please take a moment to thank all the caregivers in your life; friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers. While many, if not all, of these …
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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in Philadelphia and Southeastern PA
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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to honor and remember children and families affected by these rare diseases, and help rally support to give kids with cancer better outcomes by supporting our groundbreaking research. During the month of September: 25,000 families around the world will get the horrible news that their child or …
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Keep Cool During the Hot Weather In Philadelphia PA
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Summer may be dwindling down, but the hot weather sure is going strong! Here are some helpful tips to beat the heat: Drink lots of fluids, especially water. Keep cold water with you whenever you are outside. Be sure to replace salt, lost through sweat, by either eating some salty snacks (pretzels, crackers) or drinking …
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Family Fun Activities Across Southeastern PA for Kids with Special Needs
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Finding accessible family-fun activities is not always easy. This list was compiled by our friends at Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition to help your family get outside and enjoy the summer. Eastern Pennsylvania Boyertown Community Park, Boyertown This accessible playground includes ramps, slides, and several activity centers. The surface of the pavilion is specially designed to …
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May is Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
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Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, and it is estimated that one person dies from melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — every hour. The American Academy of Dermatology encourages everyone to make sure their skin is “Looking Good in 2016” by protecting it from the …
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Heart Attack Awareness by Caregivers in Philadelphia PA
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KNOW THE SIGNS… WARNING SIGNS OF HEART ATTACK, STROKE & CARDIAC ARREST HEART ATTACK WARNING SIGNS CHEST DISCOMFORT Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. …
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