Philadelphia Caregiver Tips on How to Prepare for the Flu Season
Posted by PHC | Uncategorized
It is that time of year when the leaves start to fall and the temperatures begin to drop. Everybody is thinking about all they did during the summer and how they are going to plan for the winter holidays. One the biggest factors we need to plan for during this time of year is how to prepare for flu season. The flu is a highly contagious disease that can lead to days missed at work to hospitalization and even death. It is even more important to take safety precautions for our elderly and children.
As a Home Care Agency the majority of our clients fall into the high risk categories due to age and health. The CDC recommends that the most important step in preventing the flu is an yearly flu vaccine. The vaccine generally protects against 3 to 4 of the most common forms of the flu virus. It is also important for health workers to be vaccinated due to their high contact with at high risk people.
There are several everyday preventions that we can practice on a daily basis to help prevent the spread of the flu. Avoiding contact with sick people if possible, but highly unlikely in the Home Care industry. Easier to follow recommendations are remaining home from work if you have flu like systems and limiting contact with other during this time. We can also cover our nose and mouth when sneezing and washing our hands or using hand sanitizer often.
If you are unfortunate enough to catch the flu, you should seek a medical professional for antiviral medication. These drugs can generally shorten the length of the flu or make the symptoms milder.