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Nursing Homes vs In Home Care in Philadelphia and Southeastern PA

Many seniors want to “age in place,” enjoying their later years in the comfort of their own homes. Most dread the outdated concept of Philadelphia nursing homes. Luckily, today’s senior can enjoy a wide range of choices in what his or her life will look like in the years to come. Both nursing homes and in-home care in Philadelphia have their benefits and drawbacks you need to consider before making an informed decision about your end of life care.

Nursing Homes vs In Home Care in Philadelphia PA and Southeastern PA

Access to Care

In-home Care: Access to care at home is a possibility, but you should consider how much care a senior will need, and when he or she will need it. There are Philadelphia agencies that provide a range of services, from assistance in daily tasks (such as preparing meals, taking medication, grooming, etc.), to simple companionship, to more intensive medical care. You can arrange for physical and occupational therapists to visit your family member at their house to provide therapy on a regular basis, helping them maintain quality of life for as long as possible. Philadelphia in-home care services can range from a few times a week, to daily, or even overnight. Many agencies also offer “palliative care,” which means someone coming to stay with a senior for several hours to allow a caregiver personal time to run errands, make appointments, or take a break.

Nursing Home: Perhaps the most convenient way to ensure a loved one will always have immediate access to medical-grade nursing care, nursing homes in Philadelphia vary in the quality of the services they offer. Some provide the additional benefit of offering a range of care options, allowing residents to move around as needed. Others can even offer continuous care are helpful for couples, where one member may need more medical care at any given time, allowing the other member to visit easily and maintain most of his or her regular daily routine.


Most seniors prefer to remain in their own home surrounded by memories and loved ones.  The sense of familiarity with their surroundings gives them the assurance they need that they are still in control of their own life. A drawback, however, is that a once-manageable home can easily become difficult to maintain, with lawn care, cleaning, and chores for a large home adding up. You can, of course, safety proof a house that can make life easier for a senior.

For some seniors, especially those in the beginning stages of dementia, the move to a nursing home is confusing and upsetting at first. Moving into a new living facility can cause substantial frustration and worry. There are ways family members can ease the transition, which include frequent visits, although they are not always possible if you’re working full-time.


As with everything else, the bottom line is that the more care a senior needs, the more expensive the care they receive. In-home care can often outpace nursing care in Philadelphia since providers often charge by the hour. Depending on the health, medical condition and general situation of a senior, different options might make the most sense.

For a ballpark on cost for nursing home and in-home care in Philadelphia, averages show:

Home Care Aide Cost: $20 per hour or $160 per day

Assisted Living Cost: $119 per day, approximately $43,000 a year

Skilled Nursing Home Cost: $220 per day, approximately $80,000 a year

The final choice on the type of care that your loved one receives is a complex one. There are so many things to consider and, logically, their say in this should be taken into account. It’s an incredibly important decision to make for a loved one, and thankfully, you are not alone in this journey. Finding the best solution can take come work, but feeling safe and cared for is invaluable and worth the time, energy, and money.

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