Benefits of Independent Living for Seniors in Philadelphia PA
Posted by PHC | Blog
As your parents get older, the decision between assisted and independent care comes up. And while both have certain benefits, it helps to know what your elderly parent feels more comfortable with to make an informed decision. A lot of people immediately start looking around for a suitable senior living facility, assuming it’s the safer and more reasonable option. However, this is not always the case and many seniors feel happier and more comfortable in their own homes with some degree of personal home care.
Benefits of Independent Living
Independent living is the closest seniors can retain their previous lifestyle without any major changes. Many elderly parents only require assistance with physical activities and medical appointments, but can retain their daily routine. There are various studies that confirm that seniors achieve a higher end-of-life quality if they remain in their home both in terms of health and mental well being. Other benefits of independent living include:
• Assistance when needed. With independent living – the personal home care assistant provides essential care in-house to the elderly patient. If there is a medical emergency or an incident, help is immediately available. Moreover, as personal care assistants develop a close relationship with seniors – they become trusted people that provide care and comfort.
• Socialization and entertainment. There are a lot of activities that allow senior to socialize and entertain themselves. A personal care assistant can keep them company during walks in the park or playing bingo; they can do their grocery shopping and run errands for them or keep them company if they’re capable of doing these things themselves. This way your elderly parent can spend their time doing the things that they want to do, whether it be talking a walk with friends or going to the latest event being put on by the facility. And you have the peace of mind that they’re safe and taken care of.
• Privacy when desired. Seniors have the option to continue to live in the privacy of their own homes while receiving the assistance and care they need. Independent living gives elderly people a level of freedom that no residential living facilities can. They can maintain their daily routine undisturbed, choosing when to hang out with friends or stay in their room and read a book. The options are all there for them and their personal home care assistant can provide a helping hand when they need it.
Unlike assisted living homes – independent living is well suited for those who don’t deal well with change. Letting seniors retain their lifestyle from before their hospital stay with live-in care is a suitable alternative. One of the best benefits of choosing a personal home care assistant is that help is always there when it is needed, especially when it comes to daily activities. For some seniors, they may need help getting dressed, getting up from a seated position, achieving good personal hygiene, remembering to take medications, going to the bathroom and other daily acts.
Nursing homes are usually expensive with all of the care they provide. Since the care level is not as on demand, the cost for independent living is usually lower. Trying to decide between the two types of senior living arrangements may be difficult, but ultimately it all comes down to how much help the in question elderly parent really needs. Both options have their benefit and can make seniors feel at home.